
Annual Physical Exam

Annual Physical Exam

  • directions_boat Local

Depending on the type of health insurance you carry, most annual physical exams are covered in full. That’s because insurance companies have recognized the importance of preventive steps that invariably lead to lower costs when serious, preventable dis…

Cervical Cone Biopsy

Cervical Cone Biopsy

  • directions_boat Local

There are times when image tests, like x-rays or MRIs, aren’t sufficient. So if you receive an abnormal Pap smear result or a genital wart is discovered on your cervix, your Brooklyn gynecologist relies on a cervical cone biopsy. It’s a minimally invas…

Genital Warts

Genital Warts

  • directions_boat Local

Untreated, genital warts eventually fade away as your body’s immune system fights the intruders. But meanwhile, they can be very uncomfortable and unsightly. Genital warts, like other warts, spread when you pick or scratch them. With today’s techniques…