
Temukan Pemasok & Produk di Indonesia

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  • Verifikasi instan jika sudah terverifikasi di Google Bisnisku.
  • Menghemat waktu karena detail bisnis Anda sudah terisi sebelumnya. Anda dapat mengedit setelah mengimpor jika ada detail yang salah.
Impor dari Google Bisnisku sekarang

Tidak ada di Google Bisnisku? Jangan khawatir!

  • Kontrol profil bisnis Anda.
  • Tambahkan bisnis Anda dan temukan pelanggan lokal.
Tambahkan bisnis Anda secara manual

Perusahaan terbaru

Jalan Pluit Selatan Raya, Kota Jkt Utara
Jl. Letda Sucipto, Kabupaten Tuban
Jl. Taman Ade Irma Suryani Nasution, Semarang
Kuningan-Cirebon Street, Cilimus, Kuningan
Jl. A. Yani No.1047, Jatihandap, Kec. Mandalajati, Bandung

Yoys blog

How to add your Business to Yoys B2B Network

How to add your Business to Yoys B2B Network

Help customers and contractors find you and manage your business information on Yoys Global B2B Network for free. We will guide you for every step in order to improve your business's online presence localy and in 55 countries.

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Get started with Yoys B2B Network

Get started with Yoys B2B Network

Yoys is a global B2B Network for business owners where they showcase their companies, products and offers to the world to attract more contractors and customers

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How do I manage products for my Business listing?

How do I manage products for my Business listing?

Get more customer contacts. With products, you increase your online reach and get found more frequently.

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What's new on Yoys

Kategori populer

Temukan perusahaan berdasarkan kategori bisnis

Jelajahi area fokus B2B utama kami


Yoys Jaringan

Menjadi bagian dari jaringan pembeli dan pemasok B2B di seluruh dunia yang terus berkembang.

Kunjungi jaringan

Yoys Data base

Cari mitra B2B baru di mesin pencari bertenaga AI kami.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Yoys marketing

Ditemukan oleh pembeli di seluruh dunia. Terhubung dengan pengambil keputusan pembelian B2B.

Kunjungi pemasaran

Claim & Get Started Today!

Present your business to future Clients

  • 1- Claim

    Your businss is probably already listed on Yoys. Best way to start managing your business listing is by claiming it so you can update.

  • 2- Mempromosikan

    Promote your business to target customers who need your services or products.

  • 3- Engage & Convert

    Turn your visitors into paying customers with exciting offers and services on your page.