Planet Electrindo. PT - Denpasar

Jalan Sekar Jepun VI 11A
80237 Kota Denpasar, Indonesia
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Planet Electrindo. PT - Denpasar Informasi Perusahaan

Informasi umum

PT. Planet Electrindo is manufacture and sole agent company with products ranging from Refrigerators, Air-conditioners, Washing Machines and other home appliances. As Sole Distributor of International Branded electronics to include FUJITSU, GENERAL and DAST is highly motivated and committed with customer satisfaction by improving our network over 500 dealers across Indonesia, and 11 Branch Sales Offices in Major cities such as Jakarta, Medan, Palembang, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar, Samarinda, and Pekan Baru.

PT. Tiga Berlian Electric is a sole agent company with products ranging from Refrigerators, Air-conditioners and other home appliances. As Sole Distributor of International Branded electronics to include MITSUBISHI.

Together with our valuable partner and honor Customer, PT PLANET ELECTRINDO and PT TIGA BERLIAN ELECTRIC will march into the new millennium and continuing to sustainable growth.

Our products consist of air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, freezer, chase freezer, chiller, etc.

Jalan Sekar Jepun VI 11A Kota Denpasar

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